Monday, January 23, 2012

YaY Phase 2!!

Hey everyone, Tim here! As you can see from the title, today is the first day of phase 2 of the South Beach diet. I was so excited for this day to come lol. Not that I'm complaining about the weight I lost on the first phase, but it is going to be so good to eat something other than salad for lunch. 

Today was kind of an eh kinda day. Gloomy all day with rain and wind. As my complaints were in past is January and it was in the 40's and raining. Not cool what so ever! Even last night there was a good size thunder storm with lightning and all. This warm crap going on in January needs to stop, but looking at the weather I don't think it is going to. 

Tonight Jamie and I had some pork tenderloin, green beans, and sweet potato fries for dinner. I don't know if it because I have not had any in a long time, but those fries were AMAZING! And tomorrow for lunch we are having a chicken couscous medley I will call it. It doesn't really matter what it is called....because there is NO LETTUCE in it at all! I don't have to make a dressing either. I do owe Jamie tho. Since she is on Primary Care rotation, she has monday's off. So she had lunch and dinner made for tomorrow basically by the time I got home from work. She had to make dinner because her hours tomorrow are kind of funky. She is working 1pm until 8pm. And she found out from her friends that there were night where they were still there around 9 or 10 so she wanted to prepare her dinner to take and so I wasn't waiting until then to eat myself. 

The weekend really can not come soon enough. Both Jamie and I get to go home this weekend. I am looking forward to seeing some old friends and visiting with family! The more I am down here, the more I realize that a life in Central Illinois would not be possibly for Jamie or myself. We both miss our families so much. I give props to my sister Kristie, I don't know how she does it. Maybe one day she will move back home :) I say that because I know she reads this :) Love you Pistie :) Well I think that is all for tonight everyone.

You stay classy Internet Land!
~Shake N Bake~

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go AWAY!

Hey everyone. So Tim just opened the blog page and set the laptop in my lap... I think he was trying to tell me something, lol. Well this weekend was a little busier than hoped. Tim got called in Friday night to salt and I was pretty exhausted from a busy week so I just watched tv and went to bed early. Saturday I was on call all day so we didn't do much. I went through a bunch of school papers and threw away all of my board studying material... YAY!!! I went through some old mail and balanced my checkbook (a little tear was shed, lol). Tim and I started watching NCIS Season 1 and then went to bed. Not 30 minutes into sleeping, I got called in to school. It was to do anesthesia for a dog who had multiple foreign bodies (basically any materials that won't pass through the digestive system). I was there from 11:30-4:30 and then came home and went to bed. Nonetheless, my morning was wasted catching up on sleep.

This afternoon, Tim and I went to Sams Club and stocked up on a bunch of meat and fish. We then went to the grocery store to get a few other things that we didn't get at Sams. After we got done it took us a few hours to get everything put away. Since we buy meat in bulk at Sams we have to split it up in to smaller portions and vacuum pack it (w/ our awesome FoodSaver). This way we can freeze everything and it will stay nice and fresh!

We made Asian glazed drumsticks and oriental cabbage/snowpeas for dinner. It was quite delicious. The only thing was the sauce didn't thicken like it was supposed to. We think it was because we used Splenda instead of sugar....

Otherwise that is about it... the diet is still going well. We joke around about ice cream, and other treats but haven't strayed away. We will be going home this weekend which may make it a little harder but will do our best. Today was the last day of phase 1 for now and we are moving to phase 2 tomorrow. Adding fruits and occasional bits of whole grain foods.

Well I have rambled on long enough... I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Looks like we are in for another thunderstorm... I think most of us are wishing it was all snow!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Better late than never

Hey everyone Tim here. Sorry that I wasn't able to get a post in yesterday. Jamie and I were just finishing up cleaning from dinner when my phone rang. I got called into work to go spread some salt, since we had a bit of an ice storm here last night. Sucks that I had to spend my friday night working but at the same time I am not going to complain about the overtime that I got for going in. I don't think that I mentioned this before,but in May Jamie and I and her family are taking a little vacation. I guess you can call it a big vacation considering that we are going to Hawaii. Jamie's boss at home was nice enough to give her a week of their timeshare. Which is awesome because we got to chose where we wanted to go, and how many chances do you get to go visit the Big Island.

I guess the only downside is all the money we have to save on not spend lol. But in the end I know that it is going to be worth it to basically take a trip that some people could only dream of taking. I guess everyone is figuring what why Jamie and I went on this diet in the first place.

I am so jealous about all the snow that Chicago got last night and Champaign didn't. Down south we really have not had a big snow so far and it is annoying me. Not only do I want to make some good money....but I am that kinda of person who looks forward to winter every year. Not saying that I don't love the warm weather of summer, but there is something about looking outside and having everything covered in white fluff that is amazing. Maybe in February we will get the big snow that I have been waiting for all year. Well that is all for now everyone.

You stay classy Internet Land!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Friday... I can almost taste it.

Hey everyone! Man Tm and I have been slacking on our posts lately. He has been busy with school and work and I have been pretty busy with school as well. I got called in Wednesday night to anesthetize a patient and was there from 6:30pm until 1:30am. Luckily Tim had dinner ready when I got home so I got a nice dinner before getting called in. He had dinner made two days in a row, it was such a nice surprise!

Well the diet has been going well this week. Not eating as many of our in between snacks which isn't that big of a deal, except it is good to eat smaller meals more often to keep your metabolism up. Tomorrow is another weigh-in so we will see how this week has been going. Today was hard for me because we had "food day" on our rotation. Everyone brought cookies, bagels, and lots of goodies! I made lemon cookies last night and tried one to make sure they were good, but didn't have anything today.

Today for lunch we had salmon and salad. For dinner we made venison burgers, green beans, and some other leftover veggies. I made a special/healthy dessert for us tonight.... chocolate ricotta mousse. It is similar to the ricotta creme we were having except a different texture basically. I hope its good!

Well I hope everyone has been having a great week. I am exhausted and ready for this rotation to be over. Tomorrow we are extremely busy and then I am on call all day Saturday until Sun morning... hopefully it will be a semi-quiet weekend... fingers crossed...

Later friends!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Been a little while

Hey guys Tim here. Sorry it has taken us so long to post again. This weekend was a relaxing weekend for both 
Jamie and myself. Besides going to the store on Monday we literally did not leave the house, unless it was to go out back of our place to let Sadie run around a little bit just to wear her out. I would say we did a good job doing that. 

So, today was a big day. It has officially been 2 weeks since Jamie and I started the South Beach diet. And I do have to admit it that it has not been as horrible bad as I first thought it would be. Once I got over the fact that I had to eat a salad everyday for lunch, things started to go by smoother especially when I started to see those pounds shed off. Speaking of......since I start the diet I have lost a total of 13.2 pounds!! That is huge for me.

Jamie and I both decided that we were going to continue on phase 1 for another week to see if we can't lose some more poundage before we re-introduce fruits and a few carbs back into our regular eating habits. So we decided to take all the best meals of phase 1 and do another weekd of it. I am setting a goal for myself to hit the 20 pound mark by Tuesday of next week. I will keep you posted as much as I can of my progress.

You stay classy Internet Land!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Hey everyone, its Jamie. I apologize I didn't write yesterday, yes it was my turn but I was exhausted. We have been super busy on my anesthesia rotation. Although I may only have one patient, my 10 other classmates all have patients too that need help, so its been super busy. Yesterday I got home and made dinner, made lunches/snacks for today, and then went and got in bed (at 8pm)! I read and relaxed for a little bit and then passed out.

Today was just as busy for me but even busier for Tim. He left this morning at 5:45 (ish) and hasn't been home yet. I just texted him to see if he has turned into an icicle yet, since he has probably been outside all day!

I made steamed broccoli and grilled pepper steak for dinner (along with some peppers/onions leftover from earlier this week). Leftovers are waiting for Tim in the refrigerator. I then made everything for tomorrow, which includes...

Breakfast = scrambled eggs
Morning snack = 2 turkey roll ups
Lunch = grilled hamburgers with salad
Afternoon snack = mozzarella cheese stick
Dinner = gingered chicken breast and some vegetables of some sort (I do not have the list in front of me right now)

Tim and I have been only doing dessert when we feel like it. And by dessert I mean ricotta creme with a little Splenda and vanilla. I have actually grown to like it. It is really good with a little fresh lime juice or lemon juice.

Well I hope everyone enjoyed the snow and was safe traveling. Be careful tomorrow and TGIF!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Just another Day

Hey guys and girls, Tim here. So let's start out with a little good news. We are supposed to get some snow Thursday!!!! WOOOOO! Bout damn time right?!?! Zero accumulations and it is January 10th already. Hopefully we will get more than expected and I will be able to rack up some overtime at work plowing snow. Oh sorry your gettin a dose of me 2 days in a row. Jamie got a case at school that she has to look up so I decided that I would write again. I think you will all survive. 

So today was another eh kinda day. One of those days where you are in a bad mood the hole day with no real apparent reason to be. That was me today. Today was the first day of my Plant Design Class. This class will be a breeze since my professor is amazing at what he does and knows how to make the classes fun and exciting. So even though I am going into turf everyone.....that doesn't mean that you can't pay me to design you a landscaping lol!!! Just kidding I give great discounts :) I know I didn't leave a menu yesterday, but tonight we have sauteed chicken with onions and South Beach Mashed Potatoes (cauliflower mashed up ). I swear the more I eat that and think that it is actual potatoes.....the more it tends to taste like potatoes.

Here is what we are in store to eat tomorrow:

Whatever is scheduled is nasty so scrambled eggs it is. 

Mid-morning snack
2 turkey roll ups

Greek Salad (for me basically lettuce and cheese because everything else on it is NASTY!!)
Sugar Free Jello

Mid-afternoon snack
Celery with laughing cough cheese

Fish Kabobs
Oven roasted vegetables
Sliced cucumber with olive oil (Jamie will have that one)

Lemon zest ricotta creme

You stay classy Internet Land!